There is more than one reason to celebrate this week. So lets put it in alphabetical order -
A as anniversary - February 24th is the 90th anniversary of Estonian Independence and first year anniversary in our new home! In February 2007 we moved in - the house was not totally complete and it isn't still and it never will, but to that date we were finished all PSP (plastering-sanding-painting) works and the other parts of house were also functioning well enough to serve our daily life here. To that date we were really sick of this construction process and especially PSP works (we did it mostly by ourselves at nights) and promised not to build another house ever. But... never say never! I have to admit, we celibrate our first year anniversary by building ANOTHER HOUSE! :D Ok, the new one is for children - small and light wooden house. They really deserve that, because of all these 100+ nights when me and my husband were engaged with our main house construction works, the children had to take care themselves and go to sleep without parents kisses. So, soon they get their own playhouse - almost real house with insulated walls and power in. I will post about this new garden feature later, as soon as wether allows me to finish painting works and Ants, the builder, puts the final touches to the house.
E as Excellent - at the beginning of this week, sammako from kasvimaalla has passed the "E for Excellent" award to my blog. Thanks to sammako!
1. Aastaring lillepeenras
Isehakanud lillekasvataja has been one of few Estonian garden bloggers, who didn't give up regular blogging during dark and cold winter period. If I could, I would give one more "E" to her husband who has been busy with house renovation for all the winter - Oh boy, I know what means to build a new house, but to make total improvement of old - it is even more challangeing, more expensive, more mindbreaking...
Sammako, gardening even more north than me, has also kept up blogging through cold winter season introducing so many rare veggies and herbs! During rainy days in last autumn I enjoyed the series of wonderful photo-trips to Japan.
3. Quu's Garden
Quu aiablogis leiab nii palju kauneid fotosid ja kirjutisi - taimeportreesid, aiavaateid, huvitavaid istutusideid, et targem on seda kiiresti oma silmaga kaeda... juhul muidugi, kui sa juba ei ole selle blogi paadunud külastaja veel.
Tänud naanole põhjalike lilletutvustuste ja loomajuttude eest! Eelmisel aastal võttis naano oma ulualla kodutu kitse!
Thanks to naano for many plant reviews and animal stories. Last year they adopted a homeless goat!
5. Aiakirjanik
Aiakirjanik ei postita küll kuigi sagedasti, aga see-eest on ta lood alati väga huvitavad (kaunid fotod sealhulgas). Ta on seadnud vägeva eesmärgi - luua oma aias killuke troopikat.
6. Britt-Arnhilds Blue Garden
Britt Arnhildi blogist leiab põhjamaiselt lihtsaid ja armsaid väikesi detaile, maalilisi vaateid ja sooje lugusid.
Britt Arnhild's blog is full of lovely photos about small and simple details, picturesque views and warm stories.
Ja nüüd olen omadega plindrisse sattunud - nii nii palju on veel huvitavaid aiablogisid ja veelgi enam mitteaiablogisid, et mina loobun edasi valimast... Aga teie, austatud valitud blogijad, olge kenad ja andke märk edasi kümnele blogile, kellele tahaksite omalt poolt tunnustust avaldada.
And now, I got stuck... there are still so many great gardening blogs and even unlimited amount of great non-gardening blogs, that I give up to pick next four blogs... Sry. Dear chosen bloggers, please pick up the E sign and forward it to ten blogs you find excellent.
5 kommentaari:
Thank you for your lovely words of my blog :)I find your blog interesting and I can't wait spring pictures! I would like to give Excellent-award to all garden bloggers, beacause every blog is unique and important I think.
I also think that Sammakko and Naano have wonderful blogs that sure need Excellent-award! :)
In so many blogs have already spring, but here we have new snow in every second..
Best wishes,
Kadakas, you saved my day!
Mõtlesin just, et miks küll president mulle mõnda auraha ei anna:)
Aga sinu tunnustust hindan veel kõrgemalt!
Thank you so much for your E, and for your kind words about my blog.
Thank you! I'm glad to hear you have enjoyed my blog - the same way as I have enjoyed yours! :)
I've got so many ideas from you, for instance, the christmas tree, the sweet potatoes and the globe artichokes... I look forward to the spring and summer to see what else there is in your garden!
By the way, the playhouse looks just lovely.
Suur tänu! On tore küll auhinda saada.
Ja muideks, mu mees muutus kkah väga rõõmsameelseks kui kuulis, et tallegi tahetakse auhinda anda. Nojah, see nagu Oscarite jagamisel: et tänan oma meest kuna ilma temata oleks mu blogist suur jupp puudu(maja remondi osa)
Ja täname siis kõiki blogijaid, sest te kokku annate tihti häid mõtteid nii aeda kui blogisse.
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